Your remedy to the “I don’t have anything good to listen to” problem… below.
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#185 - NAHreally INTERVIEW
NAHreally is back with a self-produced new album, Secret Pancake, and joins us today to discuss the seamless creative process for this new album, how it differed from the creation of BLIP, his uniquely down-to-earth approach to rap, distinct flow, and much, much more.
#144 - Album Alchemy - Ritual (w/ Stik Figa & The Expert)
The sound, however, is not all that makes Ritual notable since it is a project that may have ended up being the last album hip-hop veteran Stik Figa would ever create.
To learn more about Ritual, Stik Figa and The Expert join the show to dive deep into how this album was made, as the next instalment of the Album Alchemy series.