Your remedy to the “I don’t have anything good to listen to” problem… below.
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#156 - Milc INTERVIEW
Milc joins the show today to talk about how he injects his personality into his music, his key influences, and the makings of his two most recent records from 2023, Horseradish and The Fish That Saved Portland.
#146 - Sleep Sinatra & Televangel breakdown ‘Incorruptible Saints’ - Album Alchemy
Televangel’s creative musical brushstrokes did wonders to bring out Sleep Sinatra’s thoughtful perspectives and vulnerability.
These two joined forces to make music that truly does its beautiful artwork justice, and they joined the show to dig into the making of Incorruptible Saints, in the latest instalment of the 'Album Alchemy' series.
#107 - AJ Suede INTERVIEW
In Episode 107, we were joined by the esoteric, abstract, and incredibly smooth rapper from Seattle, AJ Suede. Suede has delivered two of my absolute favourite albums of this year, in his Televangel-produced collaborative album, Metatron’s Cube, and his collaborative album with Small Professor, Hundred Year Darkness.