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Video animation by: Big Flowers

Intro/Outro beat by: BLOODBLIXING

The Plug (0:40).

The Interview (2:08).

An iconic rap album is more than just beats and rhymes. It’s the interludes, the cover artwork that set the foundation for the image we as listeners associate with the music.

All of those elements combined, when done exceptionally well, are the ingredients to leaving a true lasting impact on the game.

Today’s guests, DøøF and NCL-TM, are determined to leave a similar level of imprint on the underground with their series of NCL​-​D​Ø​Ø​FUS albums.

In this episode, we get insight into what sparked this duo to form, why they mesh so well creatively, and learn about how their new album, BULLETPROOF KUFFLINX, further builds on NCL​-​D​Ø​Ø​FUS world they have created.

*timestamps provided for YouTube version

The spark for the NCL-DØØFUS pairing (2:53).

The secret sauce that makes the NCL-DØØFUS work (7:48).

The musical world of NCL-DØØFUS (12:31).

How being in Barcelona impacted what DøøF (18:08).

The vintage sound signature of BULLETPROOF KUFFLINX (24:45).

How BULLETPROOF KUFFLINX connects to the other NCL-DØØFUS records (37:54).

Upcoming projects / merch / tour (50:42).


Follow DøøF on Twitter here.

Follow NCL-TM on Twitter here.

Follow DøøF on Instagram here.

Follow NCL-TM on Instagram here.


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#167 - Nourished by Time INTERVIEW